NanoTech Egypt is the one of the leading companies worldwide in the field of
nanotechnology, manufacturing, and marketing for various nanomaterials. Therefore, it has
Well Equipped Chemistry Lab at which Nanotech researchers can produce all types of
nanomaterials of controlled shape and sizes. This Chemistry lab is basically the most
important mainstay of the company. NanoTech Egypt production facilities has been
strengthening by integration with the large scale production unit in the Science and
Technology Excellence Center (STEC). STEC has 200L reactor available for NanoTech
researcher for semi-industrial production based on signed MOU.
NanoTech Egypt is the one of the leading companies worldwide in the field of
The JEM-2100 is a High-resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) with a high resolution pole piece operates at 200 kV accelerating voltage.
Depending on a sample compatibility, it can work at any accelerating voltages starting from 80kV to 200kV. The instrument works under a vacuum in the range 10-5 to 10-6 Pa. This gives a lattice resolution of 0.14 nm and a point to point resolution of 0.23 nm, making our instrument to be a perfect solution for imaging materials on the atomic scale.
Moreover our HRTEM gives information in real space (in the imaging mode) and reciprocal space (in the diffraction mode). Our instrument has X-Y tilting stages with ± 30º maximum tilting angle.
The JEM-2100 coupled with High resolution CCD Gatan digital camera for digital image processing. The High resolution CCD is an all-purpose CCD camera designed to meet the needs of digital imaging in both life and materials science applications.
The high resolution CCD is capable of high speed and high quality imaging with a field of view larger than the traditional TEM films. The advanced CCD electronic design allows imaging intense electron diffraction patterns without “blooming artifact.” The High resolution CCD is also the ideal camera for observing dynamic events inside a TEM (in-situ experiment).
The innovative Digital Streaming Video (DSV) feature delivers digital video with unprecedented quality. Our well trained HRTEM experts help you in sample preparation for getting high detailed representative images.
NanoTech Egypt has been supported by a well equipped characterization unit. This unit
contributes in characterization of nanomaterials and thin films properties such as;
optical, electrical properties, and optical switch for assembled solar cells configurations
produced in the lab scale. In addition to that; this unit is equipped by spin coater device
which is useful in thin film application. The main important equipment in this unit has
been listed as follows:
UV-VIS Fiber Optic Spectrophotometer
Source Meter Unit
Four Point Probe
Spin Coater
the Ocean Optics USB2000 + Fiber Optic Spectrophotometer to determine the optical
properties (i.e. Absorption, Fluorescence, Transmission, and reflectance) of different
nanomaterials such semiconductor, and plasmonic nanomaterials, in the range from 200-1100
nm. Keithley 2400 source/meter is a member of Keithley's Source Meter family is source
measurement unit (SMU) instruments designed specifically for test applications that
demand tightly coupled sourcing and measurement. All Source Meter models provide
precision voltage and current sourcing as well as measurement capabilities. Each Source
Meter instrument is both a highly stable DC power source and a true instrument-grade
6½-digit multimeter. The power source characteristics include low noise, precision,
and read back. The multimeter capabilities include high repeatability and low noise.
The result is a compact, single-channel, DC parametric tester. In operation, these
instruments can act as a voltage source, a current source, a voltage meter, a current
meter, and an ohmmeter. Manufacturers of components and modules for the communications,
semiconductor, computer, automotive, and medical industries will find the Source Meter
instruments invaluable for a wide range of characterization and production test applications
such as; Discrete semiconductor devices, ICs, RFICs, MMICs, Laser diodes, laser diode modules,
LEDs, photo-detectors, High brightness LEDs (DC and pulse), Low voltage/resistances,
I-V characterization, Forward voltage, reverse breakdown, leakage current, and Photovoltaic
cell efficiency (source and sink). FOUR PROBE SET-UP, DFP-03, is one of the standard and
most widely used method for the measurement of resistivity. In its useful form, the four
probes are collinear. The error due to contact resistance, which is significant in the
electrical measurement on semiconductors, is avoided by the use of two extra contacts
(probes) between the current contacts. In this arrangement the contact resistance may all be
high compare to the sample resistance, but as long as the resistance of the sample and
contact resistance's are small compared with the effective resistance of the voltage measuring
device (potentiometer, electrometer or electronic voltmeter), the measured value will remain
unaffected. The set-up consists of three units housed in the same cabinet; i) Oven Controller, ii)
Multi-range Digital Voltmeter, iii) Constant Current Generator.
MTI TC-100 AG Desktop Spin Coater is designed for material research lab to make quality sol-gel Coating at the lowest cost. This technique is used to apply uniform to flat . An excess amount of a is placed on the substrate, which is then rotated at high speed in order to spread the fluid by . Rotation is continued while the fluid spins off the edges of the substrate, until the desired thickness of the film is achieved. The applied solvent is usually , and simultaneously . So, the higher the of spinning, the thinner the film. The thickness of the film also depends on the of the solution and the solvent.